Captured by Darklisted Photography

New album FAMILY PLOT now streaming

Alt rock auteur Matt Kollock was sure his rock-and-roll dreams had died. 

There he was in his 40s already. Years had passed since he felt any ambition about creating music. Life was characterized by disappointment, depression. However, Kollock experienced the gift of a profound spiritual awakening. It resurrected his existence, and electrified his impulse to make music. So in 2018, he decided to take one more shot at a serious music career. Irrational? Absolutely. But also absolutely essential. 

Since then, Kollock has produced two solo albums and an EP under his own name, while lending his production and songwriting talents to various projects by other artists. Things are happening! 

On June 21, 2024, Kollock released his most direct and personal project to date – the epic hard-rock concept album ‘Family Plot.’ The record is inspired by the artist’s experiences with childhood trauma and neglect. It maps the healing journey he has taken as an adult, angrily, irreverently and authentically. And it fucking rocks.

Kollock, who lives in Albuquerque, NM with his wife and cat, is currently estranged from his family of origin, to whom the album is dedicated. He will outlive them all. The music never dies.