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This Is What’s Happening – Spring 2024 Update

The wind here in Albuquerque is scary today. It’s the kind of wind that does damage to property. It tends to be like this around here in the springtime. But, damn, I really don’t remember it being this intense.


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Sometimes people ask me, “What does a music producer do?” I've noticed a fairly wide gulf between what people think a record producer does (and is responsible for) and what a producer actually does. So I decided to write about…

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Gosh, it's been quite a busy year so far.

Busy with good things, mostly. Looks like this might shape up to be one of the really good years. I hope it's the same for you.

Anyway, one of the things…

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TMKS #18 – Collaboration Agitation

It's a new episode of the podcast! I think this is a good one. It's all about working together. Collaborating. Making magic by gathering in art. With people just like you, dear listener!

Happenings and Such

How are you? Can…

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TMKS #13 – Where Does the Music Come From?

I have some weird ideas about where music comes from. Well, maybe they aren't so weird. But they feel weird in the context of authorship and ownership and stuff like that. 

Episode 13 of The Matt Kollock Show podcast covers…

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